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VIRGINIA:The Birthplace of Emancipation

VIRGINIA:The Birthplace of Emancipation

Moments in Our History That Amplify The Trials & Triumphs That Reflect The Soul of A Nation

Our Story

"The Miss Juneteenth Virginia Legacy Pageant, a vital initiative within the Juneteenth 757 FreedomFest, operates as a 501(c)(3) organization. The organization stands as a symbol of inspiration and empowerment. Our initiatives are firmly grounded in correcting inaccuracies in African American history, nurturing young minds with education and mentorship, and celebrating the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage. We are proudly built upon five core Pillars of Excellence:

- Promoting Cultural Awareness: Dedicated to deepening the understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.
Black History Education: Focusing on illuminating key events and influential figures in Black history.
Financial Literacy Introduction: Teaching fundamental financial management principles and personal responsibility.
Juneteenth-Inspired Artistic Expression: Encourage & showcase creative talents in the arts and cultural expression. 
Foster Economic Empowerment: Aiming to cultivate economic independence and entrepreneurial skills.
Mental Wellness Advocacy: Committed to promoting comprehensive mental health and overall well-being."

The Miss Juneteenth Virginia Legacy Pageant focuses on mentorship and cultural enrichment to foster self-pride, knowledge, and empowerment. 

Mission, Vision, & Values

Discover Our:

Our Mission:

“To magnify the legacy of Juneteenth and amplify Virginia’s pivotal role in African American history via a transformative journey within the #DefyTheOdds Mentorship program. By fusing cultural, educational, and historical elements, we ignite a narrative of empowerment for urban youth. Our focus is on cultivating resilient leaders, rooted in heritage, who are inspired to shape a future where achievement and

cultural legacy are one."

Educate | Elevate | Empower

Our Vision:

"Our vision is to be a beacon of inspiration and a catalyst for change, where young African American women across Virginia are empowered to embrace their heritage with pride and purpose. We aspire to create a future where these women lead with confidence and creativity, influenced by a deep understanding of their cultural roots and Juneteenth's profound legacy. Through education, mentorship, and the celebration of our rich history, we envision a community where every young woman can defy odds, achieve excellence, and become a pivotal force in shaping a more inclusive, enlightened society."

Our Values:

The Miss Juneteenth Virginia Legacy Pageant is an organization that amplifies Black Culture through Education, Mentorship, and Enrichment programs. These established core values, listed below, are integral to our mission and vision. 

  1. Empowerment: Fostering strength, confidence, and self-sufficiency in individuals and communities, empowering them to celebrate their heritage and potential.

  2. Truth-Telling: Committing to honesty, transparency, and the unearthing of hidden or distorted historical narratives, to educate and inform authentically.

  3. Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior, ensuring that all actions align with organizational principles.

  4. Cultural Pride: Celebrating and honoring African American history, culture, and achievements, instilling pride in community heritage.

  5. Educational Excellence: Prioritizing educational initiatives that enlighten and enrich, empowering individuals with knowledge and skills.

  6. Community Engagement: Actively engaging with the community, encouraging participation, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose.

  7. Bridge Connecting: Building connections and fostering understanding between diverse communities, acting as a bridge to unite and strengthen relationships.

Our organizational values guide the Miss Juneteenth Virginia Legacy Pageant in its mission,  with shaping our programs, initiatives, and community interactions. They reflect a commitment to authenticity, community, and the celebration of African American culture.



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Sunshine Huggins 2023 Miss Juneteenth Virginia and 2024 National Miss Juneteenth USA

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"It Takes A Village"

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