"It's In The D.N.A."
The Miss Juneteenth Virginia Legacy Pageant is the first state-wide pageant that commemorates the journey of our shared Ancestry through Emancipation, now celebrated and known as "Juneteenth."
This platform encourages and empowers Virginia's urban youth to learn about Virginia's dynamic history that played an integral part in Juneteenth.
The program further encourages and uplifts our youth to walk in their power, leverage their individual destinies, and foster goodwill throughout their communities. Miss Juneteenth Virginia defines a new era while paying homage to our shared ancestral past.

Divisional Requirements
Areas ofCompetition:
• Must be a Virginia Resident
. Teen Division: *14.5 -18 years old | Preteen Division: 10 - 14 years old
• Must be African-American or of African descent.
• Candidates must be in good academic standing (Passing their current grade level)
• Identify as a natural-born female.
•Available to compete at the National Level Competition (Aug 2024)
• Interview - 10%
• Juneteenth Project - 20%
• Talent - 15%
• Evening Wear - 15%
• Essay Entry - 15%
• On-Stage Question - 10%
• Active Participation - 15%

Inspiring New Generations:
Embark on an 'Age of Discovery'
Join us on an empowering journey —a journey that will unveil the rich tapestry of your heritage and inspire you to embrace the full extent of your cultural identity. The Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant is not just a celebration; it's an awakening.
Here, we're calling on young women who may have never considered a pageant before—those who are curious, those who are passionate, and those eager to learn and grow. This is your moment to step into a realm of discovery, to explore the age when our Ancestors shaped history, and to understand deeply 'who we are' as a community and as individuals. Join us to reclaim a narrative that has long been waiting for your voice.
Your participation is more than just an entry; it's a bold statement of self-awareness and cultural pride. Together, let's redefine beauty, strength, and intelligence. Apply to the Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant and be a part of a journey that promises not only to enlighten but also to transform.

The Application Process:

Await Official Acceptance Letter
After submitting your application, the anticipation begins! You can expect to receive a reply within 3-5 business days. This letter will be your gateway to the next exciting phase of your Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant journey."

Submit Your First Registration Payment Installment
As a candidate, managing your registration fees is crucial, and we've made it convenient with three deadlines to meet. For detailed information on these deadlines and payment methods, refer to the Orientation magazine, your essential guide to a seamless Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant experience.
Employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives of the Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant, along with their immediate family members (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son) and those living in the same household (related or not), are ineligible to compete in the pageant or partake in this application process.
Upon receipt of your At-Large Contestant Application and the initial fee, your submission will undergo a thorough review by our Recruitment Panel.
We also remind all applicants that participation in the Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant requires adherence to our guidelines and policies, detailed in the Official Contestant & Parent Guide. This includes meeting set deadlines for registration payments and abiding by our Code of Conduct.
Thank you for your interest in joining a celebration of culture and heritage through the Miss Juneteenth Legacy Pageant!"
2024 Prize Package:
Miss Juneteenth Virginia 2024 will receive the following:
Official State Crown & Titling
Official Satin/Rhinestone State Sash
Trophy | Achievement Plaque
A bouquet of fresh flowers
$2,000 Cash Award *
Official photoshoot & Make Up Artist Service
Lifestyle photoshoot with Make Up Artist Service
Public Appearances & Special Event Engagements
Custom Pageant Blanket, Tee, & Bling Hoodie
Sephora gift card
Brand Ambassador Opportunities
$500 Gift Certificate Toward National Gown
Queens Travel Bag
All Expense Trip To Nationals (Air, Hotel, & Food)
1st Runner-Up will receive the following:
Official State Crown & Titling
Official Satin State Sash
$1,000 Cash Award
Trophy | Achievement Plaque
*2nd Runner-Up will receive the following:
Official State Crown
Official Satin State Sash
Achievement Plaque
Jr. Miss Juneteenth Virginia 2024 will receive the following:
Official State Crown & Titling
Official Satin/Rhinestone State Sash
Trophy | Achievement Plaque
A bouquet of fresh flowers
$500 Cash Award *
Official photoshoot & Make Up Artist Service
Special Event Engagements
Custom Pageant Blanket, Tee, & Bling Hoodie
$200 Gift Certificate Toward National Gown
Princess Travel Bag
All Expense Trip To Nationals (Air, Hotel, & Food)
1st Runner-Up will receive the following:
Official State Crown & Titling
Official Satin State Sash
Achievement Plaque
Gift Bag
All Participants will receive:
Commemorative Tribute Magazine
Miss Juneteenth Virginia T-shirt
Participation certificate
Royal Swag Bag
***We Reserve to make substitutions if applicable***